April 17, 2023

UCLA-NUS EMBA – Designed for busy professionals like you

Is this the right program for you?

Hear from our Academic Director (NUS), Prof Emir and Associate Dean (EMBA & FEMBA at UCLA Anderson), Gonzalo Freixes to learn how this program can help you achieve your career goals.

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Prof Emir Hrnjic – Academic Director of UCLA-NUS EMBA (NUS)

Today’s business leaders require certain skills and the most crucial skill is Critical Thinking. You need to be able to question, analyze, interpret, evaluate and make a judgement about various business issues. You need agility and adaptability. To be able to accept and embrace the unknown. 

Gonzalo Freixes – Associate Dean of EMBA & FEMBA (ULCA Anderson)

You also need to develop the creative side, the leadership side, to be innovative, to be transformative, to understand disruption and to be able to lead people by being somebody that is purposeful, emphatic, motivational.

The UCLA-NUS Executive MBA program provides executives and senior level managers the opportunity to develop their management skills and become truly global transformative leaders. It’s a unique opportunity to learn from the faculty from two of the world’s top universities, UCLA Anderson School of Management and National University of Singapore. 

Prof Emir Hrnjic

It is the most efficient way to earn 2 world class degrees in just 15 months.

Its a part time, dual degree program with a strong and unique focus on US and Asia markets; designed to accommodate demanding schedules and minimize disruption to your career. With a flexible schedule combining residential segments and online learning; designed for maximum impact. Elective courses are offered during and in between residential segments in a variety of learning formats. This offers you further flexibility to deepen your knowledge to fit your career goals.

Gonzalo Freixes

Beyond the important foundational skills that you’re going to learn in the program, you’re really going to develop an ability to think differently, to approach biz problems in a completely diff manner. Additionally, you’re going to do it with a new level of confidence and ability to persuade. And this is what our graduates tell us.

The students in this program have on average 15 years of professional experience. Not only do they come from different geographies, but also different industries and industry functions, whether it’s healthcare, or technology, or Finance, real estate, entertainment. But what really binds them altogether is a certain curiosity and ambition. And I’ve seen it first hand.

Prof Emir Hrnjic

We attract small cohorts of participants with various industry backgrounds and we put them in the room with instructors with subject matter expertise, and industry experts as guest speakers. While students learn from instructors and industry leaders, the bedrock of EMBA program is peer learning through discussions and teamwork. Combining all these together results in a high-quality, experiential learning.

Gonzalo Freixes

You get to leave all of your distractions behind and fully immerse yourself in this learning experience in country where you gonna have a special opportunity to bond with your classmates, to collaborate with them.

And you’ll make life long relationships that will provide you with a truly global perspective.

More information about The UCLA-NUS EMBA Program

Click here to learn more about the UCLA-NUS EMBA program and why it is the program designed for global leaders.
Alternatively, click here to schedule a 1 on 1 zoom call with our admissions staff.




Anuj Jagannathan (Class of ’15) is founder and CEO of Propelurs Consulting in Chennai, India. Jagannathan rose at 5:30 a.m. local time to host a Q&A for prospective students, along with the UCLA-NUS admissions team. He told the group that his is a “classic story of how you can apply your learning to transform your life.”
Catch a glimpse of what went on during our May 2023 residential segment in Singapore! #UCLANUSEMBA #EMBA